Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Персокон Persocon

Лицо Персокона имеет вполне реальный прототип.

Face of Person has a very real prototype.


Портреты, Portrets

Лицо самая сложная часть человека:)Одного взгляда в глаза достаточно, что бы увидеть  суть. На втором месте - руки. Когда я не уверен в том что я правильно прочитал человека по лицу - я смотрю на его руки.Они никогда не обманывают. 

Face the most difficult part of the person:) One look in his eyes enough to see the point. In the second place - human  hands. When I'm not sure that I correctly read  person's face I look at his hands.They never cheat.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wor(L)d of Aphrodite

This is my last digital art work in surreal style. Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty and I have tried to express it .

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Winnie the Pooh

Actually, I love bears. And especially Winnie the Pooh. I've read this book when I was 21, and noticed that this book was special. It has something cosmic. There are my own associations on this pictures of course, but may be they will be interesting for somebody else.

Monday, January 18, 2010